Sunday, July 16, 2017

On line dating

I have never had the opportunity to try online dating.

I have to say, it does look interesting.

Has anyone else noticed that the market is getting, let's say...brand specific?

You can probably figure out where I am going with this.

Oh yes, online dating service for cap collectors!!!

How about:

I have been working on the questionnaire.

Try this on....

Ladies questionnaire (1-10 scale):

1.  How important is head size?

2.  Do you prefer a snapback or a fitted?

3.  How important is color?

4.  How would you describe your peaks?

5.  Do you prefer a grey or black underbrim?

6.  Would you spend a romantic weekend in Derby, NY?

7.  How many caps would you like to have?

8.  What is the last cap you bought?

9.  How many caps do you think you will own in five years?

10.  If you could travel back in time, what is the one cap you wish you still had?

Male Questionnaire (1-10) scale:

1.  Do you prefer untouched or broken in?

2.  What would you consider to be your holy grail?

3.  Have you ever gone with Non USA materials?

4.  Do you take the flag off the side of New Era caps?

5.  Do you have caps on display in your bedroom?

6.  Do you live with your parents?

7.  Do you have any type of job?

8.  Are you athletic (managing a fantasy team does not count).

9.  If you only had six months to live, which caps would you wear?

10.  What is your favorite genre of caps?

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever shared a cap?
    Do you wear more than one cap?
    Have you ever gone to bed only wearing your cap?
    When you graduated, did you throw your gown in the air because you didn't want to lose your cap?
